
As a former elementary teacher, this is unquestionably an unprecedented time, especially for our children. Fears, worries and doubts can creep into our children’s minds and hearts, even in the best of times. During this time, especially, children need a creative outlet in order to navigate the hidden worries of the heart. Children often feel like they can not articulate their worries and wonderings and if they can share these things, there may not be a healthy outlet in which they can process their own feelings.

In this class,​ ​you​r child​ will use​ ​his/her​ imagination, along with items found in nature, old magazines, and using a variety of around-the-house supplies, to create collages in which they can more fully express themselves. In each class, I will guide and teach a different technique for creating a new collage. By the end of this class, each child will have a variety of artistic techniques that he/she can use to continue his/her creative expression on their own. Your child will use sensory activities in these collage projects to enhance their sense of visual, touch and fine motor skills. These projects will allow your child to have fun, be a little messy, experience things in his/her environment and feel a sense of accomplishment in creating a piece of work that represents his or her feelings, wonderings and day to day life.

Supply Cost: $0 & up (depending on what you have at home!)
Supply List: A supply suggestion list will be given prior to the start of the first class.

In this class,​ ​you​r child​ will use​ ​his/her​ imagination, along with items found in nature, old magazines, and using a variety of around-the-house supplies, to create collages in which they can more fully express themselves. In each class, I will guide and teach a different technique for creating a new collage. By the end of this class, each child will have a variety of artistic techniques that he/she can use to continue his/her creative expression on their own. Your child will use sensory activities in these collage projects to enhance their sense of visual, touch and fine motor skills. These projects will allow your child to have fun, be a little messy, experience things in his/her environment and feel a sense of accomplishment in creating a piece of work that represents his or her feelings, wonderings and day to day life.

Supply Cost: $0 & up (depending on what you have at home!)
Supply List: A supply suggestion list will be given prior to the start of the first class.



Hi! My name is Amy Vaughn (she/her).​ I work full time out of my home art studio where I create, paint, practice both modern and traditional calligraphy and photograph all sorts of miscellaneous and enchanting things that cross my path. ​I am a teacher, writer, artist, mom, daughter, friend and lover of life. I currently live in Champaign IL where I have taught Kindergarten through 2nd grade students in reading and writing, integrating the arts into literacy learning. I have taught multi-age students in a variety of art mediums. I love to read, garden, take walks and help others grow and blossom-whether it is finding their inner creative self or navigating the messy beautifulness of life, which is why I am currently training to be certified in Art Therapy.

Creative Collages
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